From polymer design to highly added value product application: In BIOCOMEM project new membranes for CO2 separation starting from new biopolymers with improved functionalities are being developed.
Quotes from project leader
“There are many ways to make green gains in pursuit of a bio-based economy; moving to bio-based membranes for separation can make a major contribution.”
“Chemical separation techniques use 10-15 percent of global energy consumption; switching to a membrane-based approach can reduce this dramatically.”

Key facts:
Project start: 1st of June 2020
Project end: 30 November 2023
Funding scheme: H2020-EU.2.1.4, H2020-EU.3.2.6
Overall Budget: 3.104.512,50 €
EU contribution: 2.353.438 €
Grant agreement Nr: 887075
Project coordinator: Oana David
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 887075
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