Dr. Pablo Ortiz

Project Manager in Sustainable Chemistry group at Tecnalia. Pablo graduated with honors in pharmacy from the University of the Basque Country (Spain, 2012), where he also obtained a master’s degree in industrial and synthetic chemistry (2013). He obtained his PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) in 2017. Subsequently he moved to VITO (Flemish Institute of Technological Research) as a post-doc where he helped to build the biopolymer team. After a year he was promoted to research scientist in bio-aromatics and biopolymers where he developed biopolymers from lignin. He was responsible for setting up VITO’s satellite lab in the Green Chemistry Campus (the Netherlands). He has experience in project management of national and European collaborative projects. He is (co)author of several papers, conference communications and patents.
Key facts:
Project start: 1st of June 2020
Project end: 30 November 2023
Funding scheme: H2020-EU.2.1.4, H2020-EU.3.2.6
Overall Budget: 3.104.512,50 €
EU contribution: 2.353.438 €
Grant agreement Nr: 887075
Project coordinator: Oana David
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 887075
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