Ilse Maes

Operations Mannager
After her graduation in 1996 as Master in Industrial Sciences-Polymers at KHLim IWT (now UHasselt), Ilse Maes (48, Belgian) started her career as R&D scientist at DSM in Geleen (NL). Ilse worked at DSM for 23 years, where she gained experience in the field of analytical sciences for the chemicals and materials industry, next to project and account management skills. In July 2021, Ilse joined B4Plastics as Operations Manager with a focus on project planning & coordination, sales support and interface with scale-up and production. Thereby, she is contributing to the transition of B4Plastics from a start-up to a scale-up and production company of novel biomaterials.
Key facts:
Project start: 1st of June 2020
Project end: 30 November 2023
Funding scheme: H2020-EU.2.1.4, H2020-EU.3.2.6
Overall Budget: 3.104.512,50 €
EU contribution: 2.353.438 €
Grant agreement Nr: 887075
Project coordinator: Oana David
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 887075
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